Project Objectives Ranking Please select the six objectives you think are most important from the list below. We welcome additional comments or remarks in the space provided as well! Project Objective Voting Please select the six objectives you think are most important * Protect and preserve natural resources. Land development and land use respects and protects natural systems and features. Honor native Hawaiian culture and heritage during the decision-making process. Protect and preserve important historic and active cultural sites. Appropriate and responsible access to cultural and natural sites. Protect the life, health, property, and public investment from natural hazards. Protect what makes Hawaii Island so beautiful. Consider the principals of ahupua’a in all land use decisions. Growth directed to established and designated growth centers. Protection of prime agricultural areas from inappropriate development. Infrastructure that is aligned and sufficient to serve existing and planned growth. Protection of important industrial sites from inappropriate development. Develop sustainable, accessible public facilities. Provide a diverse mix of safe, affordable housing to meet the needs of all residents. Establish programmed capital investments that ensure safe and adequate infrastructure. Provide adequate, safe, and cost-effective utility services. Provide island-wide high-speed internet services. Develop resilient, low-cost, efficient energy supplies. Provide solid waste services that are convenient and sufficient to encourage waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Develop a multi-modal transportation network that meets the mobility needs of all residents. Develop a diverse, sustainable, and stable economy that complements and is in balance with the natural and human environment. Establish recreation facilities and programs that meet the needs of all citizens. Additional comments Leave this field blank Recaptcha response Submit In-Person Open House Posters
Project Objective Voting Please select the six objectives you think are most important * Protect and preserve natural resources. Land development and land use respects and protects natural systems and features. Honor native Hawaiian culture and heritage during the decision-making process. Protect and preserve important historic and active cultural sites. Appropriate and responsible access to cultural and natural sites. Protect the life, health, property, and public investment from natural hazards. Protect what makes Hawaii Island so beautiful. Consider the principals of ahupua’a in all land use decisions. Growth directed to established and designated growth centers. Protection of prime agricultural areas from inappropriate development. Infrastructure that is aligned and sufficient to serve existing and planned growth. Protection of important industrial sites from inappropriate development. Develop sustainable, accessible public facilities. Provide a diverse mix of safe, affordable housing to meet the needs of all residents. Establish programmed capital investments that ensure safe and adequate infrastructure. Provide adequate, safe, and cost-effective utility services. Provide island-wide high-speed internet services. Develop resilient, low-cost, efficient energy supplies. Provide solid waste services that are convenient and sufficient to encourage waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Develop a multi-modal transportation network that meets the mobility needs of all residents. Develop a diverse, sustainable, and stable economy that complements and is in balance with the natural and human environment. Establish recreation facilities and programs that meet the needs of all citizens. Additional comments Leave this field blank Recaptcha response Submit